Category: All Blog

All posts tagged with “Behavioral Health.”

Healthcare Provider Uses HIE Data to Help Inmates Transition from Jail

A jail-to-community transition program improves medication consistency and continuity of care, based upon the goal of reducing recidivism.

CORHIO Presentations at HIMSS

Date: February 20th, 2018

CORHIO is honored to be selected to present the following sessions at the 2018 HIMSS conference.

New Behavioral Health Data Exchange White Paper

Date: October 20th, 2016

Because Community Health Centers (CHCs) focus on all the determinants of health, including physical, mental and social, they have become trusted health partners in their communities. Evidence shows that the integration of physical and behavioral health care improves outcomes and increases patient satisfaction and engagement. While the importance of exchanging data on a patient that includes both physical and behavioral health information is clear, the actual practice of doing so has some complexities.