MAPIR Portal Update: Program Year 2016 Attestations Will be Temporarily Suspended Starting February 9, 2018

January 26th, 2018 | Published Under Medicaid EHR Incentive Program by Staci Quesada

The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (the Department) will be temporarily closing the portal for submitting attestations. Be assured, all providers will have enough time to complete and submit attestations for Program Year (PY) 2016.
The expected temporary closing period is due to the Department upgrading the Colorado Registration and Attestation (CO R&A) Portal. The CO R&A will be unavailable for PY 2016 attestations beginning February 9, 2018 and will reopen February 22, 2018. 
Any Eligible Professionals or Eligible Hospital is encouraged to finish current attestations if they are incomplete. Eligible Hospitals are encouraged to attest before the portal is temporarily shut down.
Further communication regarding the reopening of the portal along with new Program Year 2016 deadlines will be forthcoming.
If you have any questions about the program or require any further assistance, please call or email the Medicaid EHR Incentive Coordinator, 720-285-3232 or

About the Author

Staci Quesada