MIPS Eligible Clinicians Can Start Submitting Data for 2018 through April 2

January 15th, 2019 | Published Under Practice Transformation by Jennifer Mensch


By Lauren OKipney, CRC
Transformation Support Services Manager

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has officially opened the data submission period for Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) eligible clinicians who participated in Year 2 (2018) of the Quality Payment Program. With exceptions noted below, data can be submitted and updated any time from January 2, 2019 to April 2, 2019.

Deadline Exceptions

CMS Web Interface users need to report their Quality performance category data between January 22 and March 22, 2019. Also, for clinicians who reported Quality measures via Medicare Part B claims throughout the 2018 performance year, CMS will receive your quality data from claims processed by your Medicare Administrative Contractor and claims for services furnished during 2018 must be processed within 60 days after the end of the 2018 performance period.

Submitting through a registry? Your registry may have their own deadlines as early as January 31, 2019. Please check with your registry.

Change From EIDM to HARP

For MIPS 2018 reporting, access for the QPP is no longer managed through EIDM (Enterprise Identity Data Management) and is now managed through HARP (HCQIS Authorizations Roles and Profile). However we advise you to maintain your EIDM account.

CORHIO has learned that not all EIDM accounts were transferred to HARP as they were supposed to be, so you might need to re-register on HARP. We recommend that you log in as soon as possible to ensure they you have the correct access and request access if not.

In working with practices, CORHIO has identified a known issue within the QPP portal when reporting for Program Year 2018. If a security question is not added to your HARP account prior to data submission you might experience issues with eligibility and other glitches in the reporting portal. To change your challenge question, you must login into HARP (https://harp.qualitynet.org/login/login) with your previous EIDM/QPP Portal credentials. You can call CMS support if you have problems: 1-866-288-8292

For more information on CORHIO's Transformation Support Services, see our web page


Quality Payment Program Overview

QPP Access User Guide