CMGMA 2016 Fall Conference
8 S Nevada Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
CORHIO will be participating in a breakout session on Thursday, September 8th at 2:15 pm. We will also have an informational table in the exhibit hall. Please join us!
CMGMA Members- $200
Non-Members- $300
Business Partners/Affiliates (not exhibiting) - $500
Register by July 15 to take advantage of our Early Bird Special and receive $25 off of your registration fee!
Call the Wyndham Mining Exchange at 719-323-2051 to reserve your room today! Reference CMGMA to receive the group rate.
Schedule at a Glance
Thursday, September 8
7:30: Registration
8:00-9:00: Breakfast in Exhibit Hall
9:00-10:45: Key Note Speaker: Frank DeAngelis “Leadership Through Crisis”
10:45-11:15: Break in Exhibit Hall
11:15-12:15: General Session: Mary Kelly “In Case of Emergency, Break Glass”
12:15-1:15: Lunch
1:15-2:15: General Session: Dr. Scott Conard “The Art of Medical Leadership”
2:15-3:15: Breakout Session A: Traci Brown “Body Language Confidential”
2:15-3:15: Breakout Session B: Mary Stuart “Employment Law Updates”
3:15-3:45: Break in Exhibit Hall
3:45-4:30: Breakout Session A: Dr. Scott Conard “360° Assessment of Value Based Leadership
3:45-4:30: Breakout Session B: Kevin Peters “Reviewing Physician Agreements/Contracts”
4:30-5:30: General Session: Traci Brown “Spotting the Liar”
5:30-7:00: Networking Reception in Exhibit Hall
Friday, September 9
7:30-8:00: Business Meeting
8:00-9:00: Breakfast in Exhibit Hall
9:00-10:00: General Session: Joe Deeden “What to do When Your Employee/Patient Goes Postal”
10:00-10:45: Breakout Session A: CORHIO
10:00-10:45: Breakout Session B: CHP/ El Paso Medical Society
10:45-11:30: Break and Prizes in Exhibit Hall
11:30-12:30: General Session: Suzanne Falk “MGMA Washington Update”
12:30-1:00: Closing Key Note: Governor’s Office