Stage 1 Meaningful Use Attestation for Medicaid Program to Open Soon
Date: March 13th, 2013Category: CORHIO e-NewsletterTopics: Meaningful UseColorado eligible providers can begin to attest to Meaningful Use for the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program in April 2013 (exact date to be determined)
The Medicaid EHR Incentive Program provides financial incentives for health care providers to “meaningfully use” certified electronic health records (EHRs) to achieve health care quality and efficiency goals. The EHR Incentive Program was created as a result of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009, allowing eligible health care professionals to qualify for incentive payments.
The Colorado Medicaid EHR Incentive Program opened in March 2012 for all Adopt, Implement and Upgrade attestations, and the state system for attestation to Stage 1 will open in April 2013 (exact date to be determined). This means providers should be communicating now with vendors about using their EHR functionality to meet the Meaningful Use requirements, incorporating Meaningful Use objectives into their workflow, and preparing to attest to Stage 1 Meaningful Use.
Here are a few educational resources you can turn to for help with Meaningful Use.
Attend Free Meaningful Use Boot Camp
The Colorado Regional Extension Center is hosting an EHR & Meaningful Use Boot Camp on April 12th at the Hilton Garden Inn in the Denver Tech Center. The educational event takes place from 11:30 am to 5:00 pm and is ideal for health care professionals who want to incorporate Meaningful use objectives into their practices and potentially receive incentive payments. David Ginsberg, the state’s leading authority on HIPAA privacy and security will cover the specific core objective on security and provide you with a valuable Security Risk Toolkit. Learn more at
Download Free Webinars on Incorporating Meaningful Use Into Workflow
Meaningful Use Workflow Series of Webinars – these webinars break down the Meaningful Use objectives into more detail and illustrate how you can work them into your normal workflow.
- Incorporating Meaningful Use Into Your Workflow: Patient Check In and Out & Rooming a Patient
- Incorporating Meaningful Use Into Your Workflow: Orders, Point of Care & Exam
- Incorporating Meaningful Use Into Your Workflow: Administration and Clinical Administration
Meaningful Use Stage 2 Webinar – this webinar is more of a general overview of the upcoming stage 2 objectives and includes the differences between stage 1 and 2, how to incorporate objectives into your workflow and more.
- Download Slides
- Download Webinar Recording