Study Reveals 93 Percent of U.S. Physicians Using EHRs; HIE Usage Increasing
Date: June 5th, 2013Category: CORHIO e-NewsletterTopics: HIE, EHRsNew survey from Accenture reveals a rapid rise in health IT adoption.
A new study from Accenture cites a major increase in physician utilization of electronic health records (EHRs) and health information exchange (HIE). The study reveals that 93 percent of U.S. physicians are using EHRs, and HIE usage has risen by 32 percent from last year’s study.
EHR Routine Usage Increasing
U.S. physicians are increasingly using their EHR systems for ordering, with 65 percent citing regular use of e-prescribing and 57 percent citing regular use of electronic lab orders. U.S. physicians in the study showed the largest increase in electronic entry of patient notes, with 78 percent citing this activity, a 34 percent increase from last year’s study.
Most U.S. physicians surveyed — 62 percent — receive clinical results that automatically populate the patient record in the EHR (a 24 percent annual increase). This is indicative of the rise of health information exchange participation across the country.
Health IT Improving Patient Care
The vast majority of physicians studied reported that EHRs and HIE improve their ability to deliver quality patient care across specific areas, including:
- Reduction in medical errors
- Better access to quality data for clinical research
- Improved cross-organizational working processes
- Improved quality of treatment decisions
- Enhanced diagnostic decisions
- Improved coordination of care across care settings/service boundaries
- Better health outcomes
Promising Outlook for Health IT
The majority of physicians surveyed — 74 percent — agree that EHRs are integral to effective patient care today. In addition, eight out of 10 physicians believe that EHRs will become even more integral to effective patient care in the next two years.
The annual Accenture Doctors Study includes responses from 3,700 physicians from eight different countries including the United States. The full report is available at Accenture Doctors Survey.