New Meaningful Use Frequently Asked Questions Released by CMS
Date: November 18th, 2015Category: CORHIO e-NewsletterTopics: Meaningful Use, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released helpful FAQs relating to the Health Information Exchange, Patient Portal, Patient Education, and Secure Electronic Messaging objectives.
Question: For the Health Information Exchange objective for Meaningful Use in 2015 through 2017, may an eligible professional (EP), eligible hospital (EH) or critical access hospital (CAH) count a transition of care or referral in its numerator for the measure if they electronically create and send a summary of care document using their CEHRT to a third party organization that plays a role in determining the next provider of care and ultimately delivers the summary of care document?
Question: If multiple eligible professionals or eligible hospitals contribute information to a shared portal or to a patient's online personal health record (PHR), how is it counted for Meaningful Use when the patient accesses the information on the portal or PHR?
Question: In calculating the Meaningful Use objectives requiring patient action, if a patient sends a message or accesses his/her health information made available by their eligible professional (EP), can the other EPs in the practice get credit for the patient’s action in meeting the objectives?
To Learn More
To read the full list of Frequently Asked Questions, visit the FAQ page of the CMS Website.
To learn about CORHIO’s Meaningful Use services, please visit our website, contact us via email, or call 720-285-3200 for more information.