Your Comments Requested: CMS Interoperability Plan Open for Public Comment

Date: March 11th, 2015Category: CORHIO e-NewsletterTopics: Health IT, Interoperability

Here’s how you can submit your feedback to CMS on the recently released interoperability roadmap.

The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) has been busy working on a program to create more interoperability through the Office of the National Coordinator. The first document if this effort, Connecting Health and Care for the Nation, is available for public comment.

From the ONC website: “This draft Roadmap proposes critical actions for both public and private stakeholders that will advance our nation towards an interoperable health IT ecosystem, advance research and ultimately achieve a learning health. Health IT that facilitates the secure, efficient and effective sharing and use of electronic health information when and where it is needed is essential to better care, smarter spending and a healthier nation.”

Once the ONC has reviewed comments, they plan to release an updated roadmap in late 2015.

Two Ways to Provide Your Comments

The roadmap is available for comment through April 3, 2015 (5:00 pm eastern time). CORHIO urges you to read the plan and provide feedback. You can comment directly on their website at

You can also submit your feedback through CORHIO. We are working to put together a number of webinars, in partnership with the Kate Kiefert, State HIT Coordinator and Colorado Health Implementation Coordinator, to showcase the Roadmap and ask for feedback from our members and colleagues. CMS If you are interested in participating, please e-mail Kate Horle with your name and contact information. Or you can attend one of three available webinars. See CORHIO's Events page for more information.