CORHIO Announces System Upgrade, Added Features

Date: March 11th, 2015Category: CORHIO e-NewsletterTopics: CORHIO Network

The CORHIO health information exchange (HIE) network will be upgraded to give our users more features and an improved interface for PatientCare 360®.

CORHIO is pleased to announce a major software upgrade that will deliver enhancements to both the network infrastructure and the PatientCare 360 portal. The upgrade is being done to meet requests from our participants and to improve the overall user experience in finding clinical data in the HIE.

Single, Universal Tool

With this upgrade, users of our web-based tool, PatientCare 360, can now access patient information with a single, universal tool that fully integrates the following features for more seamless data viewing and sharing:  

  • Longitudinal patient record, or Community Health Record, which enables providers and their staff to search for and retrieve clinical histories for new or existing patients
  • Clinical Inbox, which allows for clinical message delivery to users outside of an Electronic Health Record system
  • New Referral Tool, by which referral communities can be created, referrals sent, replied to and tracked
  • WebDirect, CORHIO’s web-based tool (outside of an EHR) that allows providers to send and receive Direct messages along with associated HISP services

Please note that users are not required to use all of the above features/toolsets; use of features is optional based on an organization’s needs.

Improved Interface and Search Function

CORHIO’s new portal will have a modernized and intuitive look and feel that is easier to navigate. The patient search function is also improving to include the option for searching by two values separated by a comma. For example, name and date of birth can both be entered to help narrow search results.

New Referral Tool

CORHIO’s upgraded software will include a new integrated Referral Tool that allows users to create and send referrals from within PatientCare 360. Users can receive incoming requests for referrals, send referrals to providers within their network who are also using this feature, and manage documentation and appointment notes. CORHIO is piloting the new integrated Referral Tool with a small group before making it available to all users.

Next Steps for Data Receivers (Health Care Providers)

CORHIO will be in contact with all 6,000+ of our users with detailed information on when and how you will be upgraded to the new platform. We are working to make this transition as seamless as possible, with minimal resources needed at your organization. For example, we are working on a simple eLearning module that will show you the new features and step-by-step instructions on what you need to do. The upgrade is tentatively scheduled to be complete in mid-summer so look for more information from CORHIO soon.

Next Steps for Data Senders (Hospital and Lab IT Departments)

This upgrade will make the important clinical data you send into the HIE even more valuable, as the improved interface will allow users to find the data easier. Taking this key upgrade will also help CORHIO drive the normalization of message delivery to those practices that are connected via their EHR system, and help to increase the ease and functionality of CCD exchange within the community.

Data senders received a letter in December with specific timelines and steps involved in this upgrade. These steps are being taken to minimize your organization’s time spent on this upgrade and to reduce production delivery issues and interruptions. CORHIO is currently thoroughly testing the new network environment and preparing for your organization to perform testing. We have also expanded the internal tools available to lessen the time spent by to our data senders. Senders that wish to be involved in the testing efforts should contact their CORHIO representative to ensure changes to network configurations and associated timelines are met. 

If you have questions on this upgrade, please contact your CORHIO representative.