New Mission and Vision for CORHIO Unveiled

Date: December 28th, 2016Category: CORHIO e-NewsletterTopics: CORHIO Governance & Leadership


A collaboration between CORHIO’s Board of Directors and Executive Team has yielded new mission, vision and value statements to guide the organization for years to come.

As healthcare information technology evolves to meet provider, payer and patient needs, it’s important for CORHIO to evolve, and even outpace, what’s happening in the industry. The organization recently spent a period of introspection evaluating its mission, vision and values to define our guiding principles and inspire the community and our staff.

“Never before has our industry been on the precipice of such significant change,” says Steven Summer, CORHIO Board Chair, President and CEO of Colorado Hospital Association. “I am a firm believer that within the data lies the key to future payment and delivery system reform. The easier we make obtaining and mining health care information, the smarter we can be in crafting our future.”

Mission Statement

CORHIO empowers people, providers, and communities by providing the information they need to improve health

Vision Statement

Harnessing the power of data for health and vitality


Building Community through Collaboration

Pursuing Innovation with Determination

Making a Commitment to Excellence through Life-Long Learning

Deliberately Creating a Fun and Respectful Environment

Delivering with Integrity and Accountability


Thank you to the CORHIO Board of Directors for their important work on improving health information exchange in Colorado!

Steven Summer

CORHIO Board Chair

President and Chief Executive Officer

Colorado Hospital Association


Alexis Sgouros

CORHIO Board Secretary

Vice President of IT for Colorado, Care Delivery Technology Services

Kaiser Permanente       


Jason Greer

CORHIO Board Treasurer

Executive Director

Colorado Community Managed Care Network (CCMCN)


Robert Kaufmann, Esq

CORHIO Immediate Past Board Chair

Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck


Sue Birch, MBA, BSN, RN

Executive Director

Colorado Dept. of Health Care Policy and Financing


James Corbett, JD

SVP Community Health & Values Integration

Centura Health


Patrick Gillies

Vice President of Accountable Care

Colorado Access


Harriet L. Hall, PhD

President and Chief Executive Officer

Jefferson Center for Mental Health  


Michelle Mills

Chief Executive Officer

Colorado Rural Health Center (CRHC)


Lynn Parry, MD

Private Practice Physician       


Mark Prather, MD, MBA

Chief Executive Officer



Larry Wolk, MD, MSPH

Executive Director & Chief Medical Officer

Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment