You’re Invited: Prime Health Innovation Summit
Date: April 19th, 2017Category: CORHIO e-NewsletterTopics: Events
The Governor’s Office of eHealth Innovation, the eHealth Commission and Prime Health invite you to join other statewide healthcare thought leaders at the summit on May 4th.
At this exciting event, you’ll discuss and define our state’s greatest health innovation needs and best practices in integrating innovation into care models, patient satisfaction/engagement, enhancing value and interoperability. We’re asking for your help to align key innovations and initiatives with the State’s overall strategy and plans, identify unique entrepreneurial opportunities, help curate and advance digital health innovations across the state, and leverage the digital health innovation community in meeting statewide goals and objectives.
Registration for the event is open to the public at
The Summit event will consist of facilitated breakout discussions resulting in an assessment of the state’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in the following critical areas:
- Behavioral Health & Substance Use Disorder and Integration
- Chronic Disease Management
- Social Determinants of Health
- Transition from Fee-For-Service to Value-Based Care
- Information and Sharing - Breaking Down Silos
About the eHealth Commission:
- The eHealth Commission is a 15-member stakeholder collaboration, representing nearly all domains of Colorado's healthcare industry, both rural and urban, providers, payers, consumers, state agencies and non-profits
- The Commission is currently serving as the Steering Committee for the development of Colorado's Health IT Roadmap, which will chart the course for our statewide efforts for the next 3 to 5 years
About the Governor’s Office of eHealth Innovation:
- The Office of eHealth Innovation, consisting of a Director (Mary Anne Leach), and the State Health IT Coordinator (Carrie Paykoc), supports the work of the eHealth Commission, and the Commission's recently chartered working groups: the HIT Planning Workgroup, and the Innovation Workgroup
- The Office of eHealth Innovation, in partnership with Prime Health, will be co-sponsoring this year's Prime Health Innovation Summit, which brings together the vital digital health innovation players in Colorado
- The Office supports the HIT efforts within SIM - the State Innovation Model - focused on aligning primary care and behavioral health
- In addition, the Office helps to align and coordinate health IT efforts across the various state agencies
- The Office is soon to engage a recently selected HIT Consulting partner, which will help in the development of a statewide Enterprise Architecture to bring together and align Colorado's various HIE and HIT elements, as well as many other projects supporting the Colorado HIT Roadmap
- The Office is working on a Master Data Management effort to develop preliminary functional design for a statewide Master Person Index (MPI), and a statewide Master Provider Directory (MPD) - both of which will be necessary to support evolving payment models, data quality, and population health analytics
- The Office, as the State Designated Entity (SDE), works closely with Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) to obtain, utilize, and govern the deployment of ARRA/HITECH 90/10 funding - projects are aligned with ongoing Meaningful Use efforts, particularly around advanced interoperability for our health information exchanges (HIEs)
Through these efforts, and other soon-to-be-defined efforts (though the new statewide health IT roadmap), the Office aims to accelerate digital health innovation, adoption, and transformation in service to the State's Triple Aim objectives.