Improving Data Quality Through Technical Assistance

Date: June 24th, 2022Category: CORHIO e-NewsletterTopics:

Make the most of your health information exchange (HIE) and electronic health record (EHR) data.

HIE participants access and input a wealth of data, but the quality and usefulness of the data is only as good as what you and other participants provide. Contexture’s Quality Improvement team offers Data Quality Technical Assistance to help participants put their HIE and EHR to optimal use.

Data Quality Technical Assistance Services Include:  

  • Training and feedback to help users properly report and analyze Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) risk coding and Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQM) coding
  • Assistance in improving data entry practices so that other HIE participants can access reliable and accurate information
  • Help participants use data for patient follow-up and direct outreach, while making critical information available to other practices using HIE
  • Assistance with education, process improvement, utilization and mapping of codes
  • Enable practices to identify codes and workflows in discrete fields

Benefits of Data Quality Technical Assistance

Contexture’s Quality Improvement team helps practices make measurable improvement on their data quality – not only for eCQM, but for other data analytics and analysis. Our team consists of highly qualified professionals with expertise in Advanced Payment Models (APMs) and clinical coding for better healthcare outcomes and reimbursements.

Examples of Data Quality Technical Assistance

The Quality Improvement team worked with clinics to improve data entry -- ensuring that a second blood pressure taken at a visit was captured within the vitals section of the chart. Patient-level reports helped drive outreach to patients if potential issues or concerned were flagged.


 The Quality Improvement team worked with clinics to utilize appropriate coding for depression screening. This measure also requires the identification of positive or negative screening. If a positive screen is identified, the patient also needs to have a follow-up plan documented in a discrete field.


 The focus of technical assistance for childhood immunization is supporting identification of patients in need of outreach to complete the immunization series. The Quality Improvement team learned the workflows for reconciliation, and we can see the improvement as the teams implemented those reconciliation processes and recalled patients due for immunizations.


Contact to learn more about improving data quality through technical assistance.