Consolidated Care Summaries

To streamline clinical decision-making, CORHIO has launched Consolidated Care Summaries, which transforms disparate data into a single, comprehensive Continuity of Care Document (CCD). Without investing significant effort, busy healthcare providers can now have a single view of all clinical information available for a patient.

Based on the patient or member panel you provide, CORHIO will identity match against available data in the HIE and collect and collate available clinical data in a 365-day look-back period for each individual patient in your file. We apply data parsing, standardization and de-duplicating to deliver actionable results to you.

Consolidated Care Summaries Include:

• Up to 365 days of data in the CORHIO network for specific patients

• Hospital patient data -admission, discharge, transfer data, test results

• Laboratory, pathology and imaging results

• Care summaries and clinical documents from community providers

• Future data that comes into the CORHIO network (e.g., medications, advance directives, social determinants of health) will be included

Use CORHIO Consolidated Care Summaries to:

• Reduce redundancy of health information by viewing one document that encompasses a patients medical history including what you want to see

• Optimize decision making by viewing one document instead of searching in several different places

• Improve participation in value-based care and population health initiatives supported by robust health information exchange

• Inform reporting by populating patients clinical records with more information

Delivered How You Want It

CORHIOs Consolidated Care Summaries are delivered real-time via Direct Messaging utilizing our Health Information Service Provider (HISP) capabilities. We can also build an Application Programming Interface (API) that meets your organizations specifications or work with you on an HL7 feed.

Related Articles

Announcing Consolidated Care Summaries From CORHIO

Fact Sheet

Consolidated Care Summaries Overview

What our participants are saying

"The one thing nurses and providers don’t have is time, so it behooves us to take away all the friction and enable them to access information easily. Now we’re able to really push information to the provider desktop, so the provider doesn’t have to go ‘fishing’ to find what they need. This leads to more efficient and higher quality patient care. It dramatically lowers our burden of training and support [for physicians and staff].”.

Mark Radlauer, MD
Chief Medical Information Officer